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History of the
Northern California
Peace Officers Association

The Northern California Peace Officers Association (NCPOA) was founded in 1934 by leaders of the law-enforcement community throughout the Sacramento area.

It was formally organized in 1952 with the election of Sacramento Chief of Police Jim Hicks as the first NCPOA President.

In 1978 The NCPOA was incorporated as a tax-exempt non-profit association.

In 2011 the NCPOA Scholarship Fund was recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity.

Since its original inception, the NCPOA has grown to over 400 members representing both active and retired public safety personnel from federal, state, county, and local public safety agencies.

The primary mission of the NCPOA is to provide scholarships to juniors and seniors enrolled in the Criminal Justice program at California State University Sacramento.

The NCPOA has awarded well over $250,000.00 in scholarships to over 200 deserving students. Many of these recipients have gone on to have distinguished careers in public safety, parole, probation and corrections.

The NCPOA is also dedicated to improving communications within the criminal justice system and enhance recruitment of well qualified candidates into the law enforcement profession. As well as the advancement of the art and science of police administration, to secure cooperation and coordination of all law enforcement matters, and to achieve the adherence of all peace officers to the highest professional standards of conduct. 

 Donations to the NCPOA Scholarship Fund are greatly appreciated. The NCPOA Scholarship Fund is a registered 501 (c)( 3) public charity and donations to the Fund are fully tax deductible. Tax ID # 27-4822850

NCPOA Bylaws

Meet Our Board of Directors & Executive Team Members

The NCPOA holds annual elections for it's Board of Director positions. The elected officers comprise of sworn law enforcement professional who have held leadership positions within their respective agencies. 

Tom Guichard

Executive Director
President ~ 2022-2023 / BOD

Lt, Sacramento County Sheriff's Office (Ret,)

Gina Di Napoli

President 2024-2025 / BOD

Lt., Sacramento Police Dept (Ret.) / Chief of Police, San Jose State University Police (Ret.)

Jeff Leikauf

Vice President 2024-2025 / BOD

Sheriff, El Dorado County 
Sheriff's Office

Rosie Sutherland

Sgt At Arms 2024-2025 / BOD

Sacramento County Sheriff's Office (Ret.)

Kathy Shannon

Treasurer / BOD

Sacramento County Sheriff's Office (Ret.) 

Glenn Boatman

Secretary  / BOD

Foster City Public Safety
Alameda Co Sheriff's Office California State Police

Barbara Smith

Acting Scholarship Manager

Sgt., Sacramento County Sheriff's Office (Ret.)

Barbara Smith

Past President 2023-2024 / BOD

Sgt., Sacramento County Sheriff's Office (Ret.)

Larry Bowler

Past President 2021-2022 / BOD

Lt., Sacramento County Sheriff's Office (Ret.)

Hal Barker

Past President 2020-2021 / BOD

Sheriff, El Dorado County Sheriff's Office (Ret.)
Chief, Folsom Police Department (Ret.)

Dottie Greene

Administrative Assistant / BOD

Marcia Whitaker

Webmaster / Merchandise & Raffle Coordinator / BOD

Union City Police Department /  Mountain View Fire Department

NCPOA Newsletters

Catch up on all our monthly newsletters in one place

February 2023 Newsletter

With a respite from the atmospheric river giving us week after week of very wet weather we were able to get to Jackson for our first meeting of 2023. Both hosts remarked about the weather along with their department involvement in weather related incidents. Items of discussion also included how they were handling the homeless situation in their county and success they are having. Sheriff Redman was able to attend after all when the meeting he originally was to attend was at the last minute canceled. We had a wonderful meal served by the Highway House Restaurant which was arranged by Sheriff Redman.

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January 2023 Newsletter

We had hoped for a great turnout for our Christmas Luncheon at the Elk Grove Pavilion but had only 35 attendees. Those that made the trip enjoyed a great lunch of tri-tip, chicken and delicious sides served up by Mike Garcia’s Thai Mex BBQ, a great table of raffle prizes and being together for Holiday Cheer. Hosting was the new Elk Grove Chief of Police Bobby Davis and Assistant Chief Paul Soloman. Chief Davis gave us a run down on the happenings in Elk Grove and his hopes for the future of is department. Public safety is facing some tremendous challenges in all areas of the country.

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December 2022 Newsletter 

It was good to be back at the West Sacramento Galleria in November, West Sacramento Chief of Police Rob Strange welcomed the membership and discussed current events in the area. From the department he brought Sargent Eric Angle who gave a presentation on the CALEAP (California Law Enforcement Assistance Program) and the benefit it has to safety officers. This meeting was absent of our long-time member and caterer Mike Garcia’s Thai Mex BBQ due to the unexpected passing of his son Michael Junior. Our deepest Sympathy to Mike and the Garcia family. The great lunch we did enjoy was delivered and set up by caterer Hickory Hanks BBQ. Board members Larry Bowler, Chris Champlin, Jim Ortega, Gina Di Napoli, and her daughter graciously did the serving.

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November 2022 Newsletter

Our October meeting was hosted by Sacramento Chief of Police Kathy Lester. We owe a special thanks to the Sacramento Police Officers Association for providing the hall and facilities for our meeting. Attendance again was a challenge but those who showed up were provided with a good overview of the challenges of the Sacramento Police Department and status of issues for public safety. Also on hand was outgoing Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert and incoming newly elected Thien Ho. Both agencies spoke of the increasing crime, low officer staffing they are dealing with and as in many cities the increase in dangerous illegal drugs on the street and on the going homeless issue. 

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October 2022 Newsletter

NCPOA’s first luncheon of the new year in Grass Valley at Condon Park was a great place to start our meetings. Though there was the smell of smoke in the air from the Mosquito Fire, the majority had blown north by the time we gathered at the event. We did have some folks who did not make the trek but those who did enjoyed a great meal put on by the Nevada County Sheriff’s office. The BBQ Tri-tip was great and for dessert they had delicious homemade Carrot Cake. Sheriff Shannan Moon and the new Nevada City COP Daniel Foss made everyone feel at home and provided great conversation about the goings on in their city and county and how their staffs were handling events.

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September 2022 Newsletter

Our June luncheon was hosted by the new Lincoln Chief of Police Matt Alves who is also the Chief of the City of Lincoln Fire Department. Chief Alves gave an informative talk on the duties and how this is a truly a safety officer position. The meeting also had Roseville’s Chief of Police Troy Bergstrom. Roseville has been a very growing city of this region. Both chiefs started in their respective communities and worked their way up to attain these top positions.  We hope you will be able to join us this year as we meet and show support for the area Law Enforcement leaders who are hosts for our venues. It is always good to hear from the leaders and the concerns facing them in these trying days. 

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June 2022 Newsletter

Our May meeting was hosted by Sheriff Tom Lopez who welcomed members to Woodland, and brought along his Undersheriff Dale Johnson, Captains Davis, Oviedo, & Hallenbeck, and Lt's. Ceja, Guthrie, and Machado. He was joined by Woodland COP Derrek Kaff, West Sacramento COP Rob Strange and Winters COP John Miller in an exchange of information on problems facing law enforcement agencies and how their close relationship and sharing of resources gets the job done. The date change from Thursday to Wednesday made it possible for them to all attend since Thursday would have been a conflict due to their scheduled Police Officer Memorial Walk for Yolo County

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May 2022 Newsletter

Our April luncheon was at the Auburn American Legion Veterans Hall, Host Sheriff Devon Bell was there along with many of his department personnel to welcome our members. Sheriff Bell is retiring after the June election, so we took the opportunity to thank him for his years of support, by making him an Honorary Life member of NCPOA. Auburn Lt. Brian Morrison on behalf of COP Ryan Kinnan spoke of the great law enforcement support provided in the area. CHP was represented by Auburn commander Captain Brandon Straw giving information on keeping our roadways safe and Gold Run Lt. Frank Newman spoke of the late year heavy snow causing many delays on Interstate 80 for those heading over the summit. Our new COP of the City of Rocklin, Rustin Banks, came by for a visit. It was good to hear from the local community’s law enforcement. 

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April 2022 Newsletter

We had our Scholarship Luncheon at the Pat O’Brien Community Center in Sacramento. Those attending viewed the presentation of seven scholarships this year, to an outstanding group of students from CSUS.  They each received scholarship awards of $2,000.00. Each was accompanied by very proud families and friends to witness the honor. Dr. Uwazie, Chairman of the CJ Department at CSUS spoke to the membership and families and commended NCPOA’s continued presentations of financial awards to the students. If you have not already done so take the opportunity to view pictures of the event on the NCPOA Facebook.

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March 2022 Newsletter

Our February meeting was hosted by El Dorado County Sheriff John D’Agostini who welcomed guests and talked of his retirement. He was joined by Captain Matthew Foxworthy (Placerville Police Chief) and Lt. Brian Cocagne (CHP South Lake Tahoe Area Commander) who each gave a presentation on areas of concern for their departments. NCPOA President Larry Bowler presented the Sheriff with our Honorary Life Membership thanking him for the many years he hosted our meetings in El Dorado County. Our meeting was held at the Placerville American Legion Post 119 Hall with a good turnout. 

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February 2022 Newsletter

Our January meeting was hosted by Amador County Sheriff Gary Redman, who invited Jackson COP Chris Mynderup, Sutter Creek COP Jim O’Connell, Ione COP Jeff Arnold and Amador Area CHP Commander Todd Thibodeau. Each of them provided interesting information on the goings on in their jurisdictions. We had a good turnout, glad to see so many members and friends in attendance to support this area’s law enforcement agencies. Our meeting was held at the Jackson American Legion Post 108 Hall. The Legion’s Auxiliary provided a well decorated hall and tables for our meeting. 

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January 2022 Newsletter

Our final meeting of 2021 was hosted by Elk Grove’s Chief of Police Timothy Albright and Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones. Sheriff Jones was unable to attend, but Chief Deputy James Barnes represent him and the department. Chief Albright brought his Assistant Chief of Police Bobby Davis who is a retired Chief Deputy from The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. Each Department brought a beautiful gift basket that was auctioned off to benefit the Scholarship Fund.

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December 2021 Newsletter

Our November meeting was hosted by POST Assistant Director Maria Sandoval and West Sacramento Chief of Police Rob Strange. This was our first meeting hosted by POST and was held at their West Sacramento Headquarters.  Assistant Director Maria Sandoval spoke to the membership about training standards and the coordination of training documents. Rob Strange gave a presentation on West Sac policing and brought three members from the force who demonstrated the use of Drone’s at the department. 

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November 2021 News

We had another great meeting at SPOA Headquarters, Host Chief Hahn was unable to attend, but he was well represented by Deputy Chief Kathy Lester who provided a well-informed talk of the department’s challenges for the last two years. The department also provided a demonstration of some of their drones and how they are used in policing tactics. Additionally, outside was their SWAT Vehicle with two Sac PD officers. 

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October 2021 News

We had a great turnout for the meeting in Grass Valley. It was good to see many of our friends. Our Host Nevada County Sheriff Shannon Moon and some of her staff cooked up their traditional BBQ Tri-tip and served a delicious meal to our attendees. Sheriff Moon provided the history of her family in law enforcement and how the department handled the evacuation of residents during wildfires in Nevada County. 

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September 2021 News

Because of government-mandated COVID related restrictions, NCPOA was unable to hold the election of new officers until now. However, members of the 2019-2020 Board of Directors have continued working on your behalf throughout this entire quarantine period. The long-delayed election will be held at the September meeting.

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